mellisea's avatar
Well, that is funny you are asking me that because I do have some sort of idea with it. :)
I had the feeling of an old (man) - dog in this case, who goes to the park every day to feed the pigeons. He looks sad and grumpy but he is not. He is just lonely (somehow that makes him feel comfortable).
The little girl is not afraid of him and finds him rather interesting. She sits next to him and wants to make contact with him. He does not know how to act on her sitting there so he ignores her but she is coming closer... She will try to have an conversation with him.
They will end up as good friends, meeting in the park every day. :D
lil-utena's avatar
that would be so cute as a stop animation short ^^
maybe she takes him for a walk lol
mellisea's avatar
My sister is a gratuated animation director, who knows ;)
lil-utena's avatar
woo excitement. I'm graduating this summer and Im an animation major. I love stop animation tho, might think about going in that direction ^^