scythemantis's avatar
A hematoma is any tumor that has grown completely body parts of some kind...most commonly teeth or hair, but some tumors have been found with eyeballs or tiny malformed hands and feet in them!!!!!!
DexAntares's avatar
You're kidding!! Like that lady with the enormous ovarian tumor?? But they say that on CSI all the time!! Does that mean a lot of dead people have tumors.... post-mortum? o___o;
scythemantis's avatar
oh whoops, lol, I'm thinking of TERATOMA....a hematoma is a mass of blood that has leaked out of the vessels and into the flesh, creating a big nasty bruise.
DexAntares's avatar
Ahhh, THAT makes sense now. But while we're on the subject, morose as it may be, teratoma's are fascinating... I mean, a tumor is mutant cellular growth, right? And now they're finding intact, complete organs like teeth and hair growing in them... almost sounds like your body is doing the right things at the wrong time...
scythemantis's avatar
Recently they removed one from a 3-day old baby's brain, which had a perfectly formed but nearly microscopic foot and arm :0
DexAntares's avatar
Makes me wonder if evolution is trying new tricks... tricks that aren't entirely working out very well...