13thMurder's avatar
fearful respect? not sure how those words go together... that would mean that its a forced respect, and from that comes hatred for the tyrant who forced you to respect them... no, respect is earned. i dont see any point in fear.
bryancollins's avatar
It's a respectful fear, like for fire. You know it's strength and it's uses, but you know it is bigger than you and was here before you, and can give you warmth when you respect it, but it can kill you if you abuse it. I don't blame God at all for lashing out on mankind. We don't deserve grace. Look at how we treat each other! So I respect him with a holy fear, not a tyrant fear. He's like a dad that loves His kids, but will give us a spanking when we need one. I really hope I am making sense to you. The theology of God is impossible to convey without the help of the Holy Spirit. The simplicity of it all is that God loves you, even if you don't love Him back, but he only invited to his home (Heaven) those who do love him. You wouldn't want an enemy in your home :)
13thMurder's avatar
i dunno if god exists, ill never know that for sure till i get to meet him. i dont know if id like him or not. i couldnt decide that before i ever meet someone... even god. i suppose its because for some odd reason i feel that i should treat every living creature as an equal, from the highest and most powerful people, to the smallest animals. like if you look in my gallery, you will see some pictures of small animals, bugs, insets... stuff like that. i made sure each of them weren't harmed when i took pictures of them, many people would have killed them after, because they are just bugs.

but i admit, im not perfect. i wont pretend to be as so many do. and i often find myself wondering if what i try to do right is really the worst possible thing, but if i dont try to figure it out on my own, how will i ever know for sure?

so, as for god... so many religions, but as much as they contradict each other, they can't all be right. i am not involved in any of them and never plan to be, simply because it's all too confusing... some religions have one god, some have many, some have one god, some have a different one... maybe none of them exist, maybe they all do, who can say?

ill never know until i meet one, but when i do ill have to see... what will i think of him? what will he think of me? a friend? a creator? maybe something to fear? maybe someone to banish the fear?

until i know for sure, ill have to just wonder.
cxmb's avatar
Christianity is NOT about religion, many, MANY people thinks christianity is just another religion (sadly even for MANY so-called-christian people), when is way 2 more than that! it's a way of living! the choice of doing Ur best in this life by following him!

Choosing a Christian life is NOT choose an "easy" life, but a challenging, full of love life!

REAL Christianity is for the braves! :D

All that 2 say that i DON'T like religion at all! religion is one of the worst things WE humans have created!
bryancollins's avatar
It certainly sounds like you are very intelligent, and you have thought this through quite a bit. That tells me you are looking, even in the least, for some kind of a faith. I pray that God does show Himself to you, that you may meet Him before your death, so you can see if you like Him or not. How does that sound :) Again, I am grateful for you. You have been very kind in this conversation and have not attacked me or judged me for my faith, and that gives you a great deal of credit and respect from me. Thank you!
13thMurder's avatar
no, im not looking for faith. the concept of it is based on trust, and im afraid it goes against my nature, and my abilities to take something off of trust. though i do think about religion... as my signature implies, i am a philosopher... kind of.

if i were to meet god, if he proves to me he exists, it would be... well id appreciate it that he would take the time to do it. but i wonder... it he an artist too? maybe we are all just art. maybe to be an artist is to be a god of a type.

of course i wouldn't attack or judge you... only actions, not people should be judged. thats my opinion. you think differently than me, but i wouldn't have anything against you for it. if everyone agreed with me and thought like me, we would all be exactly the same, and i wouldn't want that, no one would. that would be boring.
aragornsgirl333's avatar
Fear, as in the fear of God, does not mean that you are afraid or frightened. It has another meaning. It means 'a feeling of profound respect for someone or something' other words that could be used with similar meaning are reverence, awe, veneration. So Fearful respect does not mean a forced respect from a tyrant, it means a respect due to your awe of God.