ditzydeb's avatar
I am a true beginner when it comes to using my computer. I don't understand many of the terms and am not willing to screw up my MacBook by experimenting with the 'how-to's" and lessons that are provided. I do like your icons and there are many that I know what to do with (thanks to Candybar) but that's as far as it goes. I got interested in your icons because the word "deb" kept coming up. Of course icons with my name on them stood out and I've found uses for them that i'm sure they were not intended for. Could you please tell me what a Deb file is? Thank you for sharing your talent. Even if I'm using the deb icons for personal files I am enjoying them immensely! I feel extremely silly about asking you these questions and I'm sure you'll get a good laugh. That's ok. I would too!

life is what it is