RACART's avatar
I like it very much. NO I love it. I never cared for the couple of Diana and Clark but the new 52 has me hooked on them. I absolutely loathe Lois Lane in any version and always thought Supes deserved more. Great idea and love the art. Adding to favorites.
Cael-El595's avatar
Not a fan of the wimpy pushover that Supes degenrated into by the end of the pre-DCnU myself, but the new and improved and ballsy Kal as Johns and Morrison and Rockafort write him definitely has my attention.

Throw in a refreshing interpretation of my fave couple and I'm sold 8-)

Thanks for the commemt amd the fave, buddy, and welcome to the fandom :)

Cael-El 595 a.k.a the Caelestial :iconcael-el595: