westwolf270's avatar
lol i beginning to think salinger had done something i have yet to hear of!
Gobba42's avatar
I'm just sayin', I think he should have been in Shudder Island. But Godspeed in whatever you choose.
westwolf270's avatar
never seen the movie, cause i haven't had the chance, not cause i don't want to. lol

he need not be condemned to an island when he choose to do so himself. he also choose to keep his work to himself. he didn't try to impose his views on anyone or anything of the sort. you know so much of him cause of your own free will, like many... and all he ever really wanted when he was alive was to left alone.

a crazy man doesn't know he's crazy and tries to be normal... and a person can do seemingly crazy things, until he explains himself and then you realize he's genius. but sal never was the kind of guy to answer questions about his work or his life.
Gobba42's avatar
Who knows, at least he's still alive in the end despite his best tries. Theres always hope.

They should have drafted him in 'Nam when he was in his thirties. As far as movies go, his despair would be perfect in Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, or Apocalypse Now. If you havent't seen any of those, at least watch one, OK?
westwolf270's avatar
he died a while back!

i've seen platoon and apocalypse now. lol
Gobba42's avatar
Oh, my mistake. I thought you were talking about Holden.

And FMJ is the best of the three.
"Soldier! Whats that say on your helment?"
"It says 'Born to Kill', sir!"
"And whats that on your jacket?"
"Its Peace Sign, sir!"
"What the Hell does that mean?!"
"I think it represents the dichotimous nature of mankind, sir!"
westwolf270's avatar
i've seen that part on youtube! lol