Arahsi's avatar
The art is great :salute:; the premise is sad :sniff:.

For great non-sticky? fiction involving these two and the bond therein, have you looked at Redemption over on

Also try My Madness, My Saving Sanity for a bit of interaction near the last chapters. I'm sure there are more but my brain has gone caput. :faint:
TenorSaxLolita's avatar
Aw, thank you. Yes, their story is tragic, but at least it makes for good story. Or it would if they had done anything with it.

Yay! Fic recs! :hug: I will be sure to check them out as soon as I am home. So far the only fics I find of them are fluff or smut or extreme emo rant.
Arahsi's avatar
:bow: Welcome.

Yesh, all the angst does make for good stories for at least the few talented authors/ess out there who care to take a stab at it.

I sympathise with not finding much good fic with these two. I only found what I referred you onto after much digging.

Beware though, that although they are great stories and have many great moments and little jems, they are loooong. :faint:
TenorSaxLolita's avatar
I confess that my decision to colour Sky's brighter optic red stemmed from reading a fic, though this picture is by far not an illustration of the fic. The symbolism of the mismatched eyes to represent his inner turmoil was just something that stuck with me. I believe the fic was called... uh... *digs through* FOUND IT: [link]

It's long for a one-shot, and a refreshingly unique take on a plot that at first seems (deceptively) cliche.

And, oh boy, long!fics! I'll have to find time to read them, perhaps next weekend if I can set aside all the stuff I'm supposed to be doing and if I don't have a lot of HW...
Arahsi's avatar
:omg: :excited: I :love: that fic! And I know that author kinda! That is so freaky! :lol: I do know that eventually the author/ess is planning to write a follow-up to that one-shot.

Lol, yesh, they are long! Hope you enjoy :D
TenorSaxLolita's avatar
REALLY?! :excited: This news pleases me greatly...

I'm sure I will like them! I read a prequel-one-shot to Redemption a while back and liked it, so yeah... anyway, thanks again!
Arahsi's avatar
:nod: Oh yes indeed. :lol:

It sure pleased me greatly too when she told me.:boogie: But it'll probably be awhile yet, she's really busy and she wants to finish her 28 Starscream's meme first :( which is in it's own right great so I'm not too unhappy... :D

Well, good luch with them! :salute: