hennah's avatar
wow -30 i didn't realise it got THAT cold in canada...jeeze.
it's getting warmer here now was 7.5 today though still cold..think i'm stil trying to thaw out after last week lol
midnightstouch's avatar
:lol: There are places further up north here where it gets much worse. We go through periods here and there when it gets to be -50 with the wind chill (it's VERY windy where I live). Further up north that temp is not at all unusual.

I think I seriously need to move! :lol:
hennah's avatar
wowza. how do you cope?? just wear extra warm clothes?? sorry i might sound stupid it's just it never gets THAT cold here lol.
midnightstouch's avatar
I cope by venturing out as little as possible :lol: But when I do...layers upon layers of clothes :D I'm not at all fond of winter so by then end of January I'm about ready lose my mind.
hennah's avatar
but it does get warmer there?
midnightstouch's avatar
Oh yes. I summer we average about 75 to 80 degrees and often quite a bit warmer. We tend to be a climate of extremes :lol:
hennah's avatar
but at least you have summer time to look forward to!!!