ashweez's avatar
is it? I was under the impression it was in "The Runaway Bride" when he's drowning the Racnoss. (I accidentally put "The Christmas Invasion" in place of "The Runaway Bride" earlier but I fixed that) Cause he was really enjoying that disenfection, whereas this one he looks UBER pissed.
crazyinksplatter's avatar
hmmm... wait- perhaps it was at the end bit when he cures the fleash. :L i might be wrong though. =3 i've been spending the last three days watching the second series... and so i've got just all of that stuck in my head now. =3
ashweez's avatar
haha yeah, understandable. Rewatch runaway bride and I think you'll agree that it's from that ep.
crazyinksplatter's avatar
i don't have it on DVD. yet... >goes out and buys it<

- -
oh i wish. >->