"So the simple age of something disqualifies it from acquiracy?"
No, but it wouldn't take into account our current understanding of evolution based on what we now know of genetic now wouldn't it?

" I do not need to provide biological documentation."
When making a claim about science, you are obligated to support your assertion with scientific peer review documentation of the fields in question. In the case of evolution, you have to provide biology related papers.

"you don't skip ahead to advanced details unless the basics proves trustworthy in the first place"
And the basis for the model of evolution has been demonstrated hence why it moved from being an hypothesis to being a scientific theory.

"The Evolution Hoax Exposed is entirely valid in first checking the fundamentals of the whole evolution hypothesis, and this means historical research into Darwin (and Huxley). Darwin admitted that he often doubted the validity of his own theories, and also admitted that if certain basic problems remained unresolved (the infertility of mutations such as mules, for example) his whole argument would fall flat on its face."
And evolution has been confirmed times and times again and not a single peer review paper in the fields related to biology denies it's validity.  It is a fact that life evolves and the scientific theory of evolution explains how. You denying it won't make it false, it just makes you wrong because you deny what is demonstrable with empirical evidences.

" I am not qualified in that area, nor do I need to be. "
Then you have no reason to deny the validity of the scientific theory or to claim it to be false.

"That being said, there is plenty of literature there for you to read or access."
None which are related to science. Again, when discussing a scientific subject, you read scientific documentation.

"Start with Expelled by Ben Stein"
A movie about intelligent design being shown to be creationism under a guise? Sorry, but that silly movie has been debunked so many times it's a wonder anyone gives it any credance.

"Only then can one hope to resolve a question, by hearing both sides."
Unfortunately for you, there is no "two sides" in science, only what is demonstrable with empirical evidence. Hence why evolution stands as the only model which explains the diversity of life.
Big-bad-Rocket's avatar
So we must agree to disagree.
There is no disagreement, evolution is still the only scientific model which explains the diversity of life in science. No competing hypothesis is supported by everything observed in biology.
evolvemammal's avatar
melnazar i admire you for following this conversation to  its end. so many times i lack the will power to do so. I hope there are millions more of you out there to over shadow ignorance.
It just takes patience. I admit that when I see someone make a strawman or display a lack of comprehension of the scientific theory of evolution, it's hard not to get into the discussion.
Chiletrek's avatar
 I agree with evolvemammal, because it would have also been hard for me to follow the discussion to it's very end... especially because english is not my native language, but I agree it is a matter of patience :) .
Good day.  English is not my native language either. However, reading a lot of materials on the subject do help a little bit when it comes to "debating" about it.
Alas, it is true that not all of them ends up learning a thing about evolution and, instead, keeps up with their strawman arguments.
Chiletrek's avatar
 I think we both keep learning to express better in english since it is the most used language in all the internet "world".

 And about those people, it is true indeed that some people will not learn and that is because they don't want to learn, they don't want to really open their eyes. I guess there is a need to know when to stop, otherwise your own mental health will suffer.

 Keep it up!