Lali-the-Bunny's avatar
ShadowHellHoundz's avatar
Start with basics I guess :3
Lali-the-Bunny's avatar
ok .. umm, I'll start with something more simple. first I write it in English and then translate it into Czech


1) how are you - jak se máš? 
2) how old are you? - kolik je ti let? 
3) where do you live? - kde bydlíš? 
4) what is your name? - jak se jmenuješ? 


1) i'm fine and you? - mám se fajn a ty?
2) i'm 15 years old - je mi 15 let 
3) i live in Czech republic - bydlím v české republice nebo žiju v české republice (you can use both :))
4) my name is Lali - moje jméno je Lali


no - ne
yes - ano 
smile to me - usměj se na mě 
thanks you - děkuji 
please - prosím 
can you help me? - můžeš mi pomoct?


ShadowHellHoundz's avatar
I've written down the basics so I won't forget them.