Comment on Big Hair Day by papatheo

lauricedeephd's avatar

I would think that the zookeepers did their best to ensure no 'Bad Hair Day' for the lion, but still, the lion had a 'Big Hair Day'!

lauricedeephd's avatar
It is so nice to be able to relate to the lion whenever I have a BAD hair day! :rofl::rofl:
papatheo's avatar
;) When I have a BAD hair day... it's mostly in my memory!!! :rofl: :rofl:
lauricedeephd's avatar
Geez, I wish my bad hair days were long gone and mostly in my memory!


You're one lucky guy; you do not have to worry about blow drying your hair, flattening your bangs with a flat iron, and using certain products like I do and then your hair gets messed up when going outside whenever the humidity is pretty high!!!!
papatheo's avatar
;) That will take care of itself in time! :nod:
lauricedeephd's avatar
I really hope so! It will be so nice to have MORE good hair days than bad hair days!

I should be thankful that mine ain't like that of the lion. Otherwise, I'd find myself crawling into a hole and hide! :rofl::rofl: