I see you have not given a intelligent reply to my comment. Just what to be expected from the average Obamabot.

Do not forget to sing praises to the Chosen One and donate to his campaign when Election Year 2012 rolls around.
Bladez636's avatar
you have your own opinion and I have my own, but you have 0 reason to mock me for my beliefs! Get help!
Hey, I am just trying to educate you on knowing what the candidates stand before wistfully following them and worshipping a politician like some God.

By the way, do you know who Obama's vice president is?
Bladez636's avatar
Joe Biden! I dont worship him, I dont even believe in God (dont push it)..... Look id rather end this conversation alright?
I just wanted to know if you knew who the VP was, considering that the majority of Obamabots no nothing about the Chosen One, yet they worship the ground he walks on.

Now with that said, run along and drink the blue Kool-Aid with the rest of the sheep.
Proper-and-Splendid's avatar
I fully agree with you. Some people are too busy worshipping the guy to pay attention to how he is screwing up our country.

But there you go people. You got your change. Hope your a fan of Russia. Cause thats what we are turning into.