GinaOTam's avatar
It sounds like your counselor could have learned much if he/she kept you instead. Even so, it sounds like you guys have a relationship as ideal as any could hope for.

I was trying to find a new piece in your gallery about two spirits. That must be coming in the future?
inspiredcreativity's avatar
Our relationship actually has two very, very big problems. We are both very damaged people. For him, intimacy is very difficult, for me, well I am dying, which is very messy and stressful for him. In most successful relationships, you will probably find some very big issue overcome or being worked around. But it is this itself that illustrates the strength of the relationship, because most people just walk away when it gets really hard. Love is not enough. It takes both people really wanting to make it work, being willing to bend, compassion, and being willing to forgive.