Aaron-Smiley's avatar
I'm so happy now I can't stand it!! I never thought this would happen but Half Pint is totally becoming a Daddy's girl...and she likes it!

Ok, hint time: Half Pint didn't want to leave Ironfrost in one place. But she never has to rehide him to keep him nearby. He's always in one spot.
miraibaby's avatar
I;m titally happy with this too -- I never imagined Hijak actually liking a kid, since the ones he usually runs around are sweet little things. Pint's just a terror, and ke loves that!

And what kinda hint is that?! *wracks her brain to try and figure it out* Will you tell me if I get close? Or give me another hint if I get close?

And you said Hijak has to find it... And I have to be Hijak when I look for the gun or you won't tell me anything, right?
Aaron-Smiley's avatar
Why are they SO perfect for each other. WHY?!?

miraibaby's avatar
I dunno-! But they're SO DAMN CUTE together-!