mewtwo3291's avatar
Stiltman, never herd of him let alone seen him before. I guess he from a comic book series Iv never read. All the spider-man villeins i know of are from the 1990's cartoon which i loved.
Artistic-hippie's avatar
Yeahe is an old comic book villian. He was actually one of the must un-sucessful and pathetic of most of them.
mewtwo3291's avatar
lol, thought so. before marvel was what it is today, they made all of these comics with the characters we all know today, but they were unrecognizable. like the human torch before the fantastic four was even a though [link]
Artistic-hippie's avatar
Ah yes I remember!
mewtwo3291's avatar
Don't knoww if the link worked but i remember one pic of a post-marvel hulk. He was compleaty covered in hair, you couldent even see face.
Artistic-hippie's avatar
yep Ive seen it before I think.