hundset's avatar
They do because apparently I am at a lack for the ability to even manage to sketch...

Their ususal responce is; "your sketches look like proper work to me dude..."

I'm inclined to disagree but *shrug* xD
Heiros's avatar
Ah I see. Well only you yourself would know what a sketch and proper work is with your skills and abilities and no one else really, and everyone has a different definition of what is proper for work and not, but it doesn't make them more right or wrong than the next person.
hundset's avatar
Naturally, that's both the wonderful trait of us humans, as well as our Achilles heel - diversity in opinion.

And well, some would say most of my work is "sketch work" due to lack of colours or proceeding work on a picture outside of pure pencil work. While I generally consider it a proper work of mine if I find that I focused thoroughly on it rather than just scribbling something down. :)
Heiros's avatar
Ah, I guess people are thinking of paintings and such that you'd see in art museums or most art galleries for the work to be considered proper to them than just sketch.
hundset's avatar
Aye, that sounds like a valid example ^^

But meh, again; people are entitled to their opinion so *shrug*
I'll just continue with mah "sketch-work" and see how I can improve when I feel like it =3