RMirandinha's avatar
glad you like it :D yes i use photoshop cs3 and apophysis ;)
acenaspheru's avatar
what's apophysis like? i see a lot of people who use it but i thought it was a fractle making program.
RMirandinha's avatar
and it is, thoes flames on the star, and part of the texture that you can see all arund the pic is done with the apophysis fractals :) google it its a freeware program :)
acenaspheru's avatar
Oo wow. i had a fractle program once but i couldn't figure out how to do much with it. i guess i'll try with this one. thanks.

D= i wish cs3 was a freeware program too though. 5.0 came with my tablet but all the cool brushes i find don't work on it.