DWALKER1047's avatar
If you want to participate, you need to leave a comment on the poll. Basically, I put out the explanation and rules a few days before we begin but here is a summary for you.

A round Robin is when you are given a set of parameters, you tweak them, and send them on to the next person on your team. It is like telling a secret, and each time it gets told to someone else it changes....so by the time it gets to the end, it is totally different than what you started with.
Debi62's avatar
oh.. ok. I didn't know I needed a whole team. Since I'm new here, I don't know very many people. I guess maybe I can participate in the future when I know others on here better.

DWALKER1047's avatar
It is a great way to learn how to use the program and experiment with scripts and plugins. I partner everyone up, so no one is alone in this.
Debi62's avatar
Well... I would be afraid as a noob of messing up the pic for my team. Then everybody would get upset with me. If I'm working by myself then I don't have anyone to gripe at me if I mess it up or take too long in getting it done. I don't like people getting pissed off at me. I don't handle that very well. I'm very sensitive and get my feelings hurt easily. Being new at this there are many things I don't know and people would probably be very impatient with me because of it. So maybe I'm safer just trying to learn on my own. When I get better maybe then people won't be as likely to get upset with me.
DWALKER1047's avatar
Perfectly understandable. Maybe watch a few challenges, and get a little better before you attempt it. I appreciate your interest in the challenge however, and will look forward to you participating in the future. :hug:ss
Debi62's avatar
I sent you this info in another comment on some other thread but.... I went ahead and joined the Pong Team because it looked basically like it's all noobs like me. So hopefully they'll be patient with me since they're learning it themselves. :fingerscrossed: