Manon-Ghiurco's avatar
... your style drawing is manga... which is not familiar to me, that's why I'm looking at you with interest.
... with jajaja you make me laugh every time (my blond dog name is JA :D says GIA, not with "H")- one day I'll post a picture with her.
fabikiwii's avatar
o.o jajaja nice i want to see your dogy x3 and thank u for the manga thing :D its good that i interest u and not in a sexual way O-O JAJAJAJAJA
Manon-Ghiurco's avatar
My dogy is a wonderful, smart lady :)
oh my with manga - there are so many styles: shojo, josei, lolita, lolicon, etc. who knows... it's too complicate for me. I'm not a fan of this style, only a curious spectator (you are the only one present in "my favorite" with such a style, so do the best :))