luulala's avatar
Yes I drew this myself.Can you show me the concept art you mentioned?Thanks a lot:)
Cascador's avatar
Turns out that it was a picture I saved on my hard drive. And it said 'Fanart_by/Luuluu', which I'm sure I saved a long while ago. That is where the misunderstanding comes from. It's because I had this for such a long while, and I see it freshly on Dev art while I had it all this time. I thought it was suspicious. But no, it was not concept art, it was the same picture here. So my apologies, it was just a misunderstanding.
Cascador's avatar
Excuse me 'Fanart_by_Luulala.jpeg'
luulala's avatar
:D ~! Oh you're a male...It must be #%%#$ when you saw my AC homo fanarts..XD||||
Cascador's avatar
No, I got no problem with homosexuality. Who says I ain't gay?
sunsetagain's avatar