ThreatSignal66's avatar
really cool style
welcome to the new wonderland :D
the background reminds me a bit at the game the darkness

really nice work
MisterSmiley's avatar
thanks... I suppose I took some hints from the darkness... or rather the concept of it because I didn't play the game. I keep going back to the idea that there really are monsters in the shadows or similarly that the shadows are really monsters. Thanks alot and I'm glad you liked it!
ThreatSignal66's avatar
yeah it's really awesome
the idea is cool and the mood of it is perfect...hope to see more of this!
MisterSmiley's avatar
I have more to come from this, I finished the original 3 part series a few months ago. I just finished the second piece in an alice in wonderland series in the same style... albeit with less shadowy monsters, but I'm definitely planning another 3 part series with the shadows.
ThreatSignal66's avatar
i'm looking forward to it!