Rex-Fox-Cody's avatar
I know you didn't intend it, but that looks exactly, alright, almost exactly, like a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. LOL, it's like everything you do reminds me of Star Wars. I should go somewhere and get checked up. lol
thedarkestseason's avatar
Yeah, usually I can see what people see, most of the time... But not this time. The Yuuzhan are probably my least favorite Star Wars entities. In fact I wish they would drop the whole idea all together. Plus I dont really see any familiarity in the design aspect. I know Kharsis' armor is "organic-esh", but the design of the Yuuzhan is (this is just my opinion) is really crappy. They remind me of something that the artist Post would draw. And I'm not a big fan of his designs, usually. But everybody is entitled to their own opinions. Thanks for the comment and interest, regardless.