ScareGlow's avatar
Despite being good at writing, my comment on your latest story was phased poorly and did not convey what I meant. Overall I enjoy reading your work, and I wanted more insight into the way you think (insight which you did provide in your response). I just read Old Doc Methuselah by L. Ron Hubbard, 2150 AD by Thea Alexander, The Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad, Last and First Men by W. Olaf Stapledon, Star Maker (Same), and three Star Wars novels by Timothy Zahn (wish they had made a film trilogy out of these three instead of Phantom Menace). I would seriously recommend The Iron Dream, and Last and First Men, if you can find them. Never read Stephenson but Dick is good stuff.
motusobscuri's avatar
Greetings SG,

Not to worry about your comment, 'tis not the writing but the reading that was poor. You did state at the outset that you enjoyed the story but I guess that was overshadowed by the statements you made regarding what you didn't like. At no point were you offensive about it, just stating your opinion and curiosity.

I guess I came to the conclusion you didn't like my work when you didn't reply to my response to your comment. I know that wasn't compulsory on your part and I certainly don't wanna come across as some sort of weepy and needy milksop, but your silence made me feel I may have somehow repulsed you. I realize my stories are rather potent pieces of prose and am apparently easily put into a sort of knee-jerk defensive mode about them. I've been writing them for over a decade now and have until recently only sporadically posted a handful due to a powerful shame holding me back from sharing them with the public. There is a deep-seated guilt for even having sexual urges forceful enough to compel me to write them in the first place. It's been quite difficult coming to terms with this grand internal struggle - the battle between the social programming of embarrassment and mortification versus the fierce and fiery fury of my seemingly idiosyncratic sexual urges. I know full well that most people in general society would find my stories extremely repulsive and disconcerting, somehow denoting a defective mind behind the hands that created them. However, on the other hand, I really enjoy writing my stories and have recently grown braver in posting them. It's been really liberating to do so and the fact that some people enjoy them has been a vindicating honor of the highest esteem and sheer delight to experience.

At any rate, I felt I had somehow alienated you with my statements but now see I was merely overreacting. I hope what I've written here has helped you to see why such an overreaction could happen in the first place. Sorry to wax on so long-winded about it, I guess I have a rather large lung capacity.

Regarding the sci-fi, seems like you enjoy the older stuff. I'll have to check out some of the stuff you mentioned once the pile of books on my nightstand shrinks to a more manageable mound. I recently finished re-reading Asimov's Foundation books. Good stuff. Have you ever read any Philip Jose Farmer? He's kind of a crappy writer and his stuff is basically pulp level prose, but it's fun nonetheless. I rather enjoyed his World of Tiers series, especially the first book, The Maker of Universes. Lots of amusing ideas floating around in there if you can overlook some of the cheesiness of the writing.

Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to read this. I enjoy our conversations. Take care.
StarryOak's avatar
Wow. That was a politeness battle
motusobscuri's avatar
And in the best sense of such a battle, I thank you profusely.
StarryOak's avatar
And I return such thanks, and tPolitely request wew end this before I waste any of your valuable time.
motusobscuri's avatar
No worries. I've plenty of valuable time to waste.