jarry85's avatar
I read this initially thinking it was to your lover and every word, sentence, line felt like you were talking to me.
It felt like it was directed towards something that was deep seated in me like a failed relationship I once had. Felt almost too personal, like a look into the mirror. Now I lie here and there but this felt like self reflection from another person's point of view. Thank you for those few life changing seconds.

Then I read it was about your father, then I got mad. Because then like all fathers, they are a part of us and we a part of them, hence I wonder f this poem would have made him stay with my mom. It is weird how people a thousand miles away can write things that your mouth, your heart and soul have failed to say for years. Write in a perspective so deep, so detailed, so well crafted as if they were writing for your own soul. That to me is a mark of a great writer.

And if not one comment were to be written about this poem, not one favorite tag or even view, I would still say it is a masterpiece. Because this is you, bare and naked, out fr the world to see and this my friend is special.

Thank you and never stop writing, not for a single insult not for a single praise, write for you.