archonus1's avatar
sorry to say this, but you my friend need to read more of the ancient Greek religion....yes she is a virgin,but ask Orion about her sexuality...and her twin brother Apollo for his jealousy!!!

p.s. I'm a Greek and i know all of my ancient religion
TheSeanchaithe's avatar
I don't care if you are Greek, I've read plenty of books of Greek religion and I have friends who are Greeks AND Hellenists... as in they follow the Greek gods. Why do you think the statues of Artemis never demonstrate her revealing too much flesh? Think about it.
archonus1's avatar
not only at Artemis statue but to all female statues because it was the all idea of that time about female body..look at Athena or even Aphrodite who is the goddess of love they cover most of her body. it was the artistic idea at that period of time...and those friend of yours....they are ignorant christians who they have no idea of what is the only true Hellenic religion
TheSeanchaithe's avatar
The way Aphrodite is painted, however, shows much more skin.

You dare call my friends "Christians" when you know nothing of them, for one thing. And secondly, you like a zealot Christian proclaim there is a "one true Hellenic religion". Hypocrisy, much?
archonus1's avatar
i have enough of you english shit.
GO BACK TO YOUR CAVE. and when you have 5.000 years of history then we can talk
TheSeanchaithe's avatar
I'm not English, I'm Irish and we have 5,000 years of history. Have you heard of the Druids?
archonus1's avatar
and when i say 5.000 i mean 5.000 B.C.
TheSeanchaithe's avatar
Thats not 5000 years of history, but regardless Ireland and other Celtic isles still had their shit going on then too, the Greeks just didn't know about them until Rome tried to conquer them like they always did with any new land they discovered.
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archonus1's avatar
"DRUIDS"....ΗΑ! Greek by all accounts from "ΔΡΥΣ" Βελανιδια... Oak tree in your language. and NO! you have not 5.000 years of history because at that time, WE have castles and temples. and YOU....caves!!!you have to wait the Romans to give you knowledge and all that you have now. and all the Romans have...WE HELLISHNESS give them!!!

end of history lessons

From an academic purpose the sexualisation of Artemis is not remiss, she is a goddess of fertility after all. The main reason her statues are conservative are simply because that was the style at the time, a proper Greek woman would never show much flesh in public, and no women were more proper than the gods. Her sexuality is present in her stories however, so its simply a matter of the subject being adapted to the art style, rather than the other way round.

On the other point that has arisen, Ireland did in fact have a functioning culture at this time, simply because the Greeks looked down on the 'barbarians' of northern Europe doesn't meant that there no culture there, it was simply present in a different form. On another note, the Greeks did not have castles and grand temples in 5000 BC, it would be many many years before large structures developed in Greece, after they were influenced by movements in the East, from Anatolia, Egypt and Mesopotamia.
TheSeanchaithe's avatar
Actually, our people had castles too. Just goes to show how much history you've researched. That would be near none. Druids were judges, history keepers, bards, prophets, priests, etc... holding the knowledge and everything of their culture and their land long before the Romans EVER showed up. The Romans THOUGHT that of the Druids, but of course you can't trust sources from the opposing side because they will write with a bias. You really don't know a damn thing about Celtic culture or history. Seriously, and then you try to pass off arrogantly like Greeks are better. LOL!!!
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