SilverDialga's avatar
I remember miscellaneous things here and there.

Such as the XYZ affair, the death of Stonewall Jackson, and various facts regarding Lincoln.
Latias-Flyer's avatar
Oh I always did a lot of research on Lincoln, but for some reason I never remember much about him, besides being the first president assassinated, the 16th president of the US, and being the tallest president. /lol fail Oh and he lived in a log cabin and was fond of a top hat and had a good sense of humor.

I just learned about the XYZ affair and all of the good stuff about the Alien and Sedition Acts.
SilverDialga's avatar
I remember he rarely/never smiled and was careful not to speak out against slavery too strongly during his election but held that eventually the US would become entirely pro- or anti-slavery, because he considered slavery to be one of those issues that can't really be compromised.
Plus after they won the war he walked through the Southern capital and a black man removed his hat and bowed to him, upon which he returned the gesture.
*shot due to the uselessness of that last fact*

I had the Gettysburg Address memorized for a short period of time. *shot*