SilverPassion's avatar
I'm a vegetarian so I'll stick with soy sauce ^^
OfGermanBlood's avatar
i like that to ... (is sucking on a packet of soy sauce))
OfGermanBlood's avatar
srsly I have issues with salt, garlic and soy sauce.
I'll eat garlic whole.. Lick salt off my hand and suck on packets of soy sauce X_X
SilverPassion's avatar
I don't eat garlic whole but it is pickled, or roasted, I eat it.
As for the salt, I do that sometimes and i definitely have done that with soy sauce packets... ^^;
OfGermanBlood's avatar
soy sauce is win.. hey do you have a good miso soup recipe?
SilverPassion's avatar
I don't have one for non-vegetarians.
The dashi stock I use is made from water, soybean paste, ans shiitake mushrooms.
I simmer those ingredients together and then remove the mushrooms after i believe all the flavours are fused into the soup then I season it to my taste. I add in cubed tofu, wakame(seaweed) and simmer for a few minutes more. I garnish with sliced scallions.