Archeeka's avatar

I am in love with the anatomy. The toes, the toe nails, the fingers, knuckles, Iruka's TUMMY.

And, ESPECIALLY--the tale.

Did you use a reference for that?? I really like the lines of shading--very soft and effective. ^^ God, it's so NICE to see a mermaid/dolpinman tale THING that's not drawn to be outrageously *beautiful* or *majestic* or something just as cliche. I like this!!
massive-destruction's avatar
No, no to sound cocky but I only referenced Naruto's face.
The tail, I remembered the Madonna video "Cherish". I was amazed by it when I was a little girl and have been drawing merpeople with tails like that ever since.
I mean, logically it makes more sense for mer people to have tails like a mammal, because that's what they are, i guess :D
Archeeka's avatar
Yeah, that does make more sense. Besides, dolphins are like humans in many ways, too.

Bah, why do I comment on your stuff anymore, you never comment on mine. *yanks your hair*
massive-destruction's avatar
Archeeka's avatar
Uh huh. Suuuuuure. *tickles the ear that's being pulled* You say that. ^^ Let's see if you'll do it after several months of not!!
massive-destruction's avatar
i promise promise promise this weekend to look throught your da gallery and comment and read yourfic...when you repost it again:O
Archeeka's avatar
(God I hate this place.)

Wait--what? Oh, my fics. Yeah. Go to Sheezy for that!