inspiredcreativity's avatar
Sorry, I am not familiar with what you mean by "VHS."

Next, you presume that scientific research into homosexuality is about justification, and it is not.  Science seeks to find cause and effect, to find the truth about how things work.  Science has found that homosexuality is genetic and is set by the time the fetus is born.  It is true that many homophobic people, particularly Christian and Muslim homophobes, believe that homosexuality is a CHOICE, which science has proven to be completely WRONG.  Some homophobes believe that homosexuality is environmentally acquired, which has also been proven to be FALSE.

Science has also shown that Homosexuality is found throughout the animal kingdom in many thousands of species, thus showing that it is part of NATURE and is therefore natural. All of this also shows that homosexuality must be part of God's plan (if you believe in Gods).

Therefore, science has gone a long way to show that the claims of homophobes are completely false.  The homophobe response is simply to deny the science, which is nothing new, going back to the church insisting the earth was flat and the center of the universe (with the universe revolving around the earth), and executed or impassioned anyone who said otherwise.

Bigots will quote, or should I say misquote, science to its favor, then denounce any science proving that they are bigots.
Rockdwarf's avatar
VHS is as long as I know the name of sida.
I understand your opinion but I disagree. I don't believe my sexuality is anything genetic or unnatural too. 
inspiredcreativity's avatar
Of course your sexuality is natural.  The denial of science is done by those ignorant of science and scientific process.  I can even give you the name of one of the key genes for homosexuality.  Science also shows us that those who are Sexual Minorities actually have differences in their brain structures, compared to heterosexuals.  By they time you took your first breath of air, after birth, your gender identity and sexual orientation were set. Yu can claim that the earth is flat and that the sun reveals around the earth, but it does not make it true.  Even the Catholic church has bowed to science and agrees that people are born homosexual.  There is also strong evidence showing that homosexuality is passed down primarily on the x'X' chromosome, and thus on the female side of the family only, passed mother to daughter.

Some people are born with the body of one gender and the brain of the opposite gender, and the brain can be of any possible sexual orientation.  A person born with a female body and a male brain, who is attracted to men, is actually heterosexual, because sexual orientation depends on the brain, not the body.
Rockdwarf's avatar
.... And as I always say, LGBT isn't a minority. 

Let's be natural and face most people could express their appreciation of male and women beauty as well cuz they feel it, but they will hide it cuz society prefers you in an only way.
inspiredcreativity's avatar
The appreciation of male and female beauty, or of human beauty in general, has nothing to do with sexual orientation. I am about as Gay as you can get, with absolutely zero sexual response to women, but I can also very much appreciate the beauty of the female form and of individual women.   I have never hid my appreciation for female beauty and have seen it shared by other gay men, just as some Lesbians have expressed to me their appreciation of male beauty.

Sexual orientation is about Romantic and Sexual Response. 
Rockdwarf's avatar
I'm awufully virgin and never loved... 
inspiredcreativity's avatar
You have to allow yourself to love and allow yourself to be fully seen by another, and allow another in, to share and connect with you.  Love, in its essence , is all about intimate sharing and connecting on many different levels, such as emotionally, socially, intellectually, of the heart, spiritually, physically, sensually, sexually, and of course, time and space itself.  You cannot have love without risk.  therefore you cannot have love without courage. 

I am a big believer that the highest form of physical/sexual intimacy is when we express our love through sexuality.  Sex for the sake of sex is empty and ultimately unfulfilling.
Rockdwarf's avatar
Ur right. 

I just allowed everyone to fully see me and it was a pity. As Terry Prattchet said, "bad thing about having an open mind is that people insists into putting their own things in it"
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Rockdwarf's avatar
... Are you trying to say my gender issues were completely set just after my birth?

Well, maybe you're true. It's still scary... One wants to think he decides his life a bit, but if don't even decide who I am in last instance, then I can plainly die.
inspiredcreativity's avatar
No, it is all set before you were born, during fetal development.  Some people choose to suppress their nature, or for their own practical reasons to live in a compromise situation.  For example, for a Transgender person, should he or she make no physical changes and live aw best they can in the body they were born in, or should they do hormone treatments, or do top surgery and/or do bottom surgery for complete gender reassignment?  If you were born a naturally effeminate gay male, do you spend your life forcing yourself to be more masculine?  There are still many choices we make when born a Sexual Minority.  In my case, going to an academy and going to deal for many years, I forced myself to be hyper masculinized, which was like a prison for me.  When I stopped going to sea, I let myself free to be who I am naturally.  I am not naturally effeminate, but i I also am not naturally hyper-masculinized.

I am working now with someone who is very young, who has been discovering her/his identity , at first thinking she was bisexual, then homosexual, then realizing she is actually transgender.  This is not a matter of choosing her gender and sexuality, it is all about discovering who she/he is, her/his inherent nature.  Then he gets to choose how he will present himself and express himself, choose what kind to identify to present, what physical transformations to make, etc.

Coming-out to yourself is the process of self-discovery, self-acceptance and then fully loving and embracing your gender and homosexual nature, however much you may have. 
Rockdwarf's avatar
I feel I can't truly answer all the interest you demonstarte answering me like that

But You made me reflexion that something I fear is to someday discover I'm Transgender. Or to wake up and know I'm just plainly hetero. I just don't want to be the expression of a label for the heck of society. I want to be as unique as I already am...
inspiredcreativity's avatar
Your attitude is healthy, to not fear whoever you develop into, and to value your unique qualities. I have never understood the burning need to label yourself before you fully understand and feel what those labels are.  What is the big rush?  Most of us do want to eventually fall in love with someone and share our lives with that person.  Eventually it will happen.  In the past there was this horrible stigma if you fell in love with someone of the same gender or wanted to be a different gender, but that is becoming less and less of a stigma as time passes.

For most people, it helps to have a starting point of figuring out who you are attracted to romantically/sexually.  This will be clear to some, but confusing as heck for many others.  I have seen plenty of young people think they were bisexual, based on finding both genders very attractive and really liking someone of each gender, then pretty much assume it is romantic attraction—but if you have never experienced it before it is hard to know. For some boys it can be confusing because they can become turned-on by just about anything at certain times, and for some girls it can be confusing because it is hard to know if they are feeling arousal. Romantic attraction can come late to some girls.  It can be very confusing because close friendships might seem to be more, etc.  The solution to most of this is time.  The older you get, the more clarity you get on this.  My sister and her wife did not figure it out until their early twenties.  I figured it out when I was 11/12.

*** Most typically, those who are Transgender feel like they are in an alien body, like they are trapped in the wrong gender body.  Transgender F to M girls can find themselves craving to have a penis and hate or on’t like their breasts and vagina.  Transgender M to F boys find themselves desiring larger breasts and a vagina and hate or don’t like having a penis.

HOWEVER, it can be very confusing to some who question if they are Transgender, because you might actually be a very butch Lesbian who does not like her breasts, who wants to look, act and sound masculine, want to be like a man, but does not actually want to be a man with a man’s body; OR you might actually be a very effeminate Gay guy who loves everything feminine, wants to look female and act female, but does not actually want to be a woman in a woman’s body.

There is a major distinction between Transgender, where you feel driven to be the other gender, because you were born in the wrong gender body, and someone who is Lesbian but hyper masculine, or someone who is Gay but hyper-feminine.

If you are Transgender, the gender of who are attracted to does not help at all in determining if you are Transgender, because once you decide what your true gender is, you can be gay, straight or bi or anything in-between. If you were born in a girl’s body, but your brain (and true gender) is a boy, and you are attracted to girls, you are heterosexual, even though you are in a girl’s body and romantically love girls.  You can modify your body to change body gender, but you cannot modify your brain to change gender.

There can be a lot of agonizing over figuring out your Gender and Sexual Identity.

My best advice is to give yourself time. If I assume correctly that you are not of college age yet, then as your mature you will discover more and more about yourself and the questions about your nature, Transgender or homosexual, will become more and more clear with time. Be kind and gentle with yourself, be compassionate and forgiving of yourself as work through it all.

A complete Gender Reassignment for Female-to-Male transformation involves hormone treatments, breast reduction surgery, and transforming the vagina into a penis.  The sexual nerves of the clitoris are used to form the glans of the penis, so it should feel almost the same as a normal penis, but it cannot naturally become erect. Therefore a prosthetic is built into the new penis. There are multiple designs.  For example, one design uses the prosthetic testicles as pumps to inflate the prosthetic in the penis to make it erect and look like and feel like an erect penis (as close as possible).  My understanding is that you can make the penis erect fairly quickly and deflate it fairly quickly.  There are designs that might appeal to a person more.  You can also add surgery to create an Adam’s Apple (and in M to F, surgery to shave down the Adam’s Apple). If your facial structure is not male enough to your taste, plastic surgery can be done with chin implants, etc.

One warning, hormone treatments for M to F Reassignment tends to cause people to gain excess weight.  If you do not want to be overweight or obese, plan on doing daily vigorous physical workouts.  I did a 2-hour workout 5 days a week for much of my life, using cross-country ski machine/rowing machine/running for cardio, plus resistance training for muscle maintenance, and stretching [at sea, it was sometimes 1 to 1.5 hours a day].  For about 15 years I danced 5 nights a week, 4 hours of almost continuous dancing (ballroom, two-step, west cast swing, etc) which is like jogging, only far more fun, on top of my 2-hour per day workout.  I danced as both a leader and follower in many different dances.

If you want to be a man’s man, it means working out a lot to maintain your body in good trim.   You do NOT need large muscle bulk.  Strength does NOT come from muscle bulk.  If you do some resistance training, your muscles will bulk up some, to their natural state.  Then if you keep pushing your muscles to the tearing point, the muscles heal with greater bulk. If instead you work to maintain the initial strength you built, it is a healthier state to be in.  Then you do a daily cardiovascular burn to burn off fat and keep your cardiovascular system healthy (dancing, cross-country ski machine, rowing machine, running, swimming, etc), do some resistance work (weights or machines) to keep your muscled toned, and stretching to keep your body and muscles limber.  Then if you eat healthy, you should be healthy and have a good-looking and healthy body for most of your life.

I wish you all the best…
Rockdwarf's avatar
Saddest thing is I knew who I were until I readed u.

I hate doubt enough as I lived it al my life. I doubt of naturally everything. Changes go passing and it becomes more confuse even.

I said to myself one thing only, my dignity is more important than anything else. I don't wanna be a puppet with "duty" written on it. I'll have to be very strong-minded, my father for exemple is being veru harsh today as I feel bad after reading u and I look rude. I don't try to molest him but I can't support himself existing, I can't have a nice answer.

In my case I feel it's simple: I like what I want to be.

I like androgynous/femminine men who feel male. Thats why I felt so hard for Andrej Pejic, and that's why I fell harder and lower when he truly became a she.

I feel wise for my age. I feel a male too. I don't wanna muscles and I don't wanna kids either. I don't wanna get married.

I think I know who I am enough as to tell it. I just can't prove it. Do I need to prove who I really am even to myself? Why such cruelty?…
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