Zaxlin's avatar
This is amazing but there is one little thing that bothers me...
I love love love this, the cartoony anatomy of the horse is perfect.
But the shoulder, there should either be a whiter with the should moving up and down as it runs or the should should move up and down.

Sorry I just thought I'd say it. I am a major horse person.
DarkmaneTheWerewolf's avatar
I'm not quite sure i understand what you mean. But i know i messed up a lot of things in this though- shoulder blade, back, mane and horn too, but I've studied horse anatomy for more than 2 years and I understand the concept about the shoulder blades (and executed it many times in Unicorn's Fortune), where the blade becomes more prominant as the leg holds the animal up and the body simply hangs from where it connects to the chest... if that made any sense and relates to what you were trying to say :?
Zaxlin's avatar
Yes that is what I meant. Sorry to bother I just thought I would say it. But it is by far one of the best animations I have seen in a long time.