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DrakynWyrm's avatar
Hey, I'll just jump in here. :'D

Yes, you are violating intellectual property when you do this sort of thing without someone's expressed permission. IP law is complicated, so I'll break it down for you:

Giving credit isn't legally enough.

Some people are cool with it all if you just give credit, but if people don't want to have their work traced, you cannot publicize any tracings of it.
They retain legal rights over their property, and they alone set the standards of what is acceptable use of their work. And unless they state that you can reference their work (often under certain conditions), you may not trace. It is a crime, because you are infringing on their intellectual property.

Think of it this way. Your friend has a car, right? But unless he gives you permission to drive it, you can't drive it. If you take it, even if you plan on returning it, it is still theft.

Source: I'm studying Intellectual Property law, as I do plan to take it as a profession. ^^
DrakynWyrm's avatar
Yeah, sorry mate. :'D

Copyright law is strict to protect original artists and creators, and unless the owner says you can copy it, you cannot without it being infringement.

Again, go back to that car example I added into that last comment; you may or may not have missed it since I just edited in. ^^;
antivenom907's avatar
Facepalm  using bases and crediting them is NOT th same thing as stealing a car
DrakynWyrm's avatar
No, it's not.

However, the concept is the same thing, which is why it's an analogy.

You cannot do these things without permission. It is against the law. I hate to burst your bubble, but I came here to explain this to you nicely in hopes you would understand. :)

Like using someone else's car, you need to be sure you have permission first. Otherwise, what you have done was wrong.
DrakynWyrm's avatar

Ah well. The message isn't going through to you.

Well, I'm done here. You have a good day.