Jyxxie's avatar
The funny thing is, the more simple the model is, the easier it is for papercraft.

Opposite for most other 3D things out there, y'know? xD
NonaSuomi's avatar
Yeah, I guess that's because it's easiest to make models where you don't have to cut and fold hundreds of faces, but in a game or other 3d application you want to make the models as hi-detail as your graphics adapter can handle.

With low-poly models it makes it all the more important to have well-made, effective textures to make up for more simplified physical shape, huh?
Jyxxie's avatar
It sure helps. Though textures aren't everything in papercraft; there's also the know-how on how to unfold the model [cut it apart], so it goes together easily.
Not to mention having it look good in the first place. x)

What sort of things were you thinking of making?
NonaSuomi's avatar
Nothing in particular, I was just curious how it was done; I'm crazy like that, so I usually wind up being the perfect embodiment of the phrase "jack of all trades and a master of none."