Tete-DePunk's avatar
Thank you immensely for creating this stamp. As a writer on dA, comments are a most valuable but rare treasure.
The font is exceptionally lovely and classic.

Do you know if Project Comment is still accepting members? Also, as you mentioned your comments are valiavible for art only,do you know of anyone who provides comments for literature works?
Also, if they do, do they allow people to comment on their works? If so, I would like to return the favor if they do indeed.
KooboriSapphire's avatar
I'm sure Project Comment is still accepting. And for your other questions, yes, they have members that will comment your literature so long as it's not what they're avoiding (it says it besides their names), & you can always return the comment optionally. You could also tell the group admins that you'd like to become part of their comment providers list.
Tete-DePunk's avatar
Thank you immensely for explaining this information to me. This group sounds superb. I will join in the future and inquire to join the comment providers list.
Thank you again ever so much!