AnonymousWriter228's avatar
Chose whatever options you want > See you after school~! > Don't you want your chocolate? (for that Extra Miki scene) . > Chose whatever options you want > Get something to eat > Staircase > Ignore  > Get food(To beat the blond girl you'll need about 200+ HP and 30 STR. Grab at least 2 Strawberry Chignons (unless you can grab 10 Rice balls). Avoid the Burger!!! Grab the strawberry milk if you can) > Run away > Find all 14 hearts for +100 HP & +5 STR, click the (Tab button on your keyboard to highlight the hearts in yellow if you have trouble) > Say whatever you want to Jayden > Give him whatever you want him to eat and he'll be fine (yes, even the Burger...somehow ) > Beat the girl.  (Just attack if your HP is 250)  > Give Jayden the chocolate > Say you like him