hellangelz's avatar
I thought you knew the inverted 9 ball meme?
LunarisFuryAileron's avatar
I'm a bit behind lately, especially if it concerns character that I don't particularly cared much.

But you know, maybe you could put symbols for tritium or deuterium instead?
hellangelz's avatar
basically, due to her braggy personality and silly-ness similar to Cirno, and she's a stage 6 boss. A comparison to ⑨

as well as symbolic to the character, I also intend that for the fun

earlier idea doesn't have the giant radioactive symbol at the back but a smaller one at the place of the ⑥.
LunarisFuryAileron's avatar
But still, in SA, it's Satori and Koishi who gets the most spotlight, in term of their story. Kinda ironic that Satori is only the 4th boss.
hellangelz's avatar
Satori ish the mistress of the mansion, and Koishi is the EX boss

those whom hold these tittles in Touhou are bound to get famous lol