star500's avatar
Christians have a thing against knowledge.
Look at Solomon the wise.
Supposedly he was given his wisdom by god.
Then he apparently forsake God(cant be asked to find out more).
That leaves the question: Why would a man grated wisdom by god forsake him?
KeswickPinhead's avatar
I know I wouldn't.
I believe in rewarding good behaviour.
If someone does a good deed, I praise them. If they are kind, I am kind in return.
If they are cruel, I make my feelings known too.
If they break the law, I do every thing I can to have them punished, including making their actions public knowledge if need be.
I don't pick favourites, if a cop breaks the law, they should pay, just like the rest of us...
In fact, cops should be held to a HIGHER standard of law because they swear to uphold it.
Solomon didn't forsake anything, he just got wiser.:)