Comment on After the Battle by mepty

pianistka's avatar

mepty's avatar
pianistka's avatar
I'm going to fav all your gallery, kthxbai P:
mepty's avatar
Th..thank you very much...((((;゚Д゚)))) I'm very happy that my pictures could be your fav (;>_<)

I feel a little sorry for Poland at this picture...
pianistka's avatar
I think he's exhausted here, but happy that Liet came back (even if that was a part of their fighting strategy. It really happend ;) ).
It's so real. I love it...
mepty's avatar
>__< really thank you!

I think it's a fighting strategy too! Disguise rout and wait the chance come.
pianistka's avatar
I do not THINK so, I know it ;) As I said, it was a plan of polish-lithuanian army. It's a historical fact.
[link] - Wikipedia.
mepty's avatar
Thank you for the link!
Aw, there are many detailed description at English page! Now I have no time so just read them quickly by google translation.

I feel so just because the "Battle of the Vorskla River"(at 1399) in Lithuania's experience(^__^; )But at this case it seems a little different.