Darqnaut's avatar
Wow... jeez, you want comments on how to improve THIS? Kinda like asking asking Iron Butterfly to add on a few more minutes to "Inna Gadda de Vida," huh? ...Yeah... that didn't make... much sense... Okay forget the analogy.

Anyway, this piece is already supreme when it comes to perspectives and just out and outdesign. I really dig the basic coloring, just red and black with only highlights of yellow and green (and I'm using just general color names because I can't be buggered to give specific color names). However, these are just some things I noticed- as you asked to ee what could be improved upon: first the lighting, while awesome, also needs to be realized a little more in some places. For example, the large- what I'm assuming to be- green claw at the bottom center has light apparently coming from both the top AND bottom, as does most of the armor on the other, more prominent characters hugging the borders. If there is a reflection coming from the " stream" below, it would be a little diluted. Also you might just want to try taking out the "lower-glows" and just have the shadows end at the top of the plates of armor instead of giving them a glowing effect- unless that is what has intended. Also, something about the main character- the one with the chained weapon- bothers me... the hair. I haven't bothered tried sketching it out so I may be incorrect, but I'm thinking of Newton's third law, action and reaction. If he is jerking the chain BACK to create the spiraling of the chain, then his hair should be flowing the OPPOSITE way.

Hope that helps...