TheLunaLily's avatar
oh Thank you so so so much!
That means very much to me. I have not gotten much feed back here and it is starting to make me doubt myself, you know? I've read so many amazing poems and I kinda feel like I don't really belong here, but then like, every once in a blue moon, someone will comment on something, and it means so much more when they comment on a poem because my poems are so much more personal, and it makes me feel like at the very least it made sense and I was able to connect with someone else, and that is very special.
But this poem, "the Darkness Comes Calling" I wanted you to read it because of your poem that I read.
When it's the middle of the night and I'm losing my mind because I'm so depressed and I feel like I just can't take it anymore and I cry because I feel guilty and selfish and I cry because I want to be able to be selfish without having to feel guilty, and then, the darkest part of my mind that I always try to keep pushed far far back comes out and lets loose one little thought, "It would be so easy".
And all of the rational I throw back, all of the the complex reasonings I use to try to fight against it are only met with "It would be so easy".
Then, that is the only thing I think of.
So, that's what that poem is about, and after reading yours and a few others on your page as well, I thought you might relate, unfortunately :(
ashengrayskies-lit's avatar
well you know i would never wish to have someone relate with my work; but when someone does it's nice to have someone to talk to about it. you can always send me a note if you are feeling sad and i will do my best to get back to you quickly and talk to you about it when i can (:
and i can DEFINITELY relate to not getting feedback on da and thinking the writing is inadequate, it's always a struggle for me. that's why i joined so many writing groups, i was hoping that maybe someone would see my writing and have something to say, whether it's "this is good" or "this is bad" i wrote a journal months ago expressing my anger, i think it's about time to change it to something not as angry xD
TheLunaLily's avatar
You are so sweet, and I am very glad that I stumbled upon your poem, I enjoy talking to you.


ashengrayskies-lit's avatar
awee thank you that means a lot to me (:
i hope you'll go through the rest one day (:
TheLunaLily's avatar
You know I will!