BrandonUSCG's avatar
We insult a small minority of them by merely existing, and those people need to be killed ASAP before they do any more damage. By burning Qu'rans you insult the larger majority who are logical and can be reasoned with.
Aerodeth's avatar
'By burning Qu'rans you insult the larger majority who are logical and can be reasoned with.'

If the larger majority can easily be turned against us by a single preacher burning a few books, they are ANYTHING but logical and not worth being reasoned with.

'I'm a Christian and I love those people overseas... but if I see any of them burn a bible, I'll happily support sending them all to hell!'
DarkProxy's avatar
you have your portions mixed up pal the masses are nut jobs and the few sane ones are probably waiting to kill us when we least expect it hell the 9/11 bombers lived here for awhile