IKillBecauseICare's avatar
Kuniko: *looks up at her bangs, tryign to fluff them with her fingers, her thick hair in the way* N-Nuh uh...

Molly: *giggles* She's gonna be my bestie! Besides Fawn!
VampireThe-Shadow's avatar
Titiana: your bangs are well.

Ryou/Ryuu: but....
IKillBecauseICare's avatar
Molly: Oh, Kuni dont-

Kuniko: *had stepped back, tripping and opening the small cuts on her hands, causign them to bleed*
VampireThe-Shadow's avatar
Ryou: *picks up Molly, and hurries away draging Ryuu* Ojou! Hime!

Titiana: *watches them hurry out of the room, then back at Kuniko* they get quite ill

Ojou: *rushes in* you called?

Titiana: clean up Kuniko's cuts, would you?
IKillBecauseICare's avatar
Hime: *follows Ojou, already carrying the bandages and peroxide*

Kuniko: Im sorry! I didnt mean to fall... *southern accent making her voice even more serene than usual*
VampireThe-Shadow's avatar
Ojou: we know, we know, accedents happen. but try to make them happen less
IKillBecauseICare's avatar
Kuniko: *flushes in shame, putting her head down, her hair flopping in her face*

Hime: What thick hair!
VampireThe-Shadow's avatar
Ojou: *starting to clean her cuts* flowy
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