SherbertTCat's avatar
Then tell me, what is fascist?
Satansgoalie's avatar
well, if you want to get technical, a fasc(ist) is just someone who supports or follows the ideals of fasc(ism). but that's not what you mean is it?
SherbertTCat's avatar
Okay, then what to you constitutes as fascism? Not what a quick jog to Wikipedia says.
Satansgoalie's avatar
Well, the way it was explained to me when I was in school was that it's a political philosophy that puts the "state's" needs above those of the individual. Everything from business, economics and social interactions are controlled by a centralized government and ruled over by a dictator. In most instances any opposition is forcibly suppressed...

So, I guess since that's what I was taught in school and it happens to be the general consensus, I'd say that's what constitutes as fascism... 

by the way, have you heard of Woody Guthrie or his guitar?
Touch-Not-This-Cat's avatar
Put more simply, it is Socialism that loves borders, as apposed to Communism, which is socialism that hates boarders. Both are different the way putrescence from botulism and putrescence from E. coli are different flavors of decay.
SherbertTCat's avatar
Well, that's quite a bit different than a power mad cop, abusing his power. That's just not fascism so much as being a colossal asshole. Not that its any more acceptable.
I know enough about him, to know that he was a folk singer, who to much fanfare, spoke out against the Nazis, and that Peter, Paul and Mary covered one of his more famous songs. Because I do remember their cover. Heard it a lot growing up, as my dad was really into them.