FlameoftheWest7's avatar
Oh yes, I have read and loved Rosura! I went back and faved the chapter from the link. I actually have collected several of the Malfoy chapters already--I noticed "Full Fathom Five" when I was in my favorites gallery just now, and it reminded me that I want to go back and read it again. I think that's the one where Lucius uses Polyjuice to impersonate Severus in order to sneak in to see Narcissa in the dormitories. The insults between Sev and Lucius are so funny, and it's such an outrageous scenario with Lucius so infatuated with her, but in somebody else's body! :D
ls269's avatar
:hug: :) Thank you, I'm glad you liked the old Lucius/Narcissa chapters! Their relationship didn't exactly start off as perfect in this story, but there was always something there! I'd nearly forgotten about Full Fathom Five - that's right, Lucius was in Sev's body, being all bashful and sweet (Severus would have been horrified! ;)).