Dark-Hyena's avatar
Thanks a lot!

I think the book you're referring to is Wolves in Russia by Will Graves.

Good luck with your GCSEs! Hope you do better in the art exam than I did...
Gregthebaker50's avatar
Thanks! :D
Haha, surely with art like that ^ you can't have done THAT bad. XD What was your project?

And yeah, almost defiantly was.

Also, out of interest, have you ever seen wild wolves? Just wondering seeing how you seem so excellent at drawing them. (I always find the real McCoy the best art inspiration.)
Dark-Hyena's avatar
Had to do something "natural", and sketched the dried up husk of a wasp. Unfortunately, it seemed the teachers meant fruit and veg.

I've never seen wolves in the wild before, unfortunately :(
Gregthebaker50's avatar
Weren't you allowed to choose? We have 2 projects of our own over the course of 2 years, with one, shorter one the teacher gives in-between. (I'm direly hoping for something natural!)

And, same. I consider Wolves and perhaps Cougars too( I've seen a dead one and heard / seen one's eye-shine in the Brazilian Pantanal.) to be my "Final Frontier" when it comes to wildlife watching.
That and I'm training to be a Zoologist / animal biologist in later life. (Currently in final year of secondary school.)

Also, I don't suppose you'd consider an African Wild Dog piece, would you? :) I haven't seen a canine artist as good as you in a looong time.
Dark-Hyena's avatar
I honestly can't remember what went on back then. It was almost a decade ago, and the only thing I recall with any clarity is that I disliked the art class I was taking anyway.

lol, thanks, perhaps I should watch an African wild dog documentary for inspiration :)
Gregthebaker50's avatar
Ah, unlucky.
May I ask what profession your into now? (Taking you've left education? )And sorry for being nosy, I'm just interested, if you don't want to say it's fine. :)

And Indeed!
Dark-Hyena's avatar
Teaching English as a foreign language. Drawing is just a hobby
Gregthebaker50's avatar
Wow, a hobby you happen to be excellent at!