emey87's avatar
huh? I downloaded the latest version 2.03 right now, and works for me :hmm:

crian's avatar
it works only with "my computer" and the mail plugin, but on the other icons i added ther is no indicator. or did i something wrong by adding the apps?
emey87's avatar
Agree... It also happened with the default skin :confused: so I started to think, and discover what is going wrong. Seems that in this version (2.0.3) if you grab the software shortcut instead the .exe file xWindowsDock doesn´t recognizes it as the currently running app. So, you will have to delete all the icons, and add them again but through the .exe file. For example, grab the Chrome.exe and put it in the dock. Tell me if you solve this, if you don´t try on the software forum too. btw, thanks for using my skin hehe :)
crian's avatar
yes that was the problem. now i use the .exe files and the indicators works. thank very much for your help!