xXAsk-SunpawXx's avatar
Name: Sunpaw
Age: 7 moons 
Clan: Darkclan
Description: Tortoiseshell tom with deep green eyes.
Mother: ???
Father: ???
Sibling(s): None
Theme: www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3hOsH…
Mate: Never got around to having one... was too young.
Death: Sunpaw was rushing along the shoreline, along with thunderstorm, they were doing a border patrol. Just then a cat- not a clan cat pounced on him, sending him into the water. "Thundersto-" Sunpaw gasped, but was cut off by sinking. He tried to to swim against the current, but it was too strong. he gave in and let himself sink. All he could hear was battle screeches and hisses. He felt  someone grab his scruff and drag him out, but by the time he had been dragged out, he had fainted. The cat who had pulled him out was merely another apprentice, like him. Leafpaw. "Please!  Sunpaw!" Leafpaw mumbled. Sunpaw's eyes fluttered open. "L-leafpaw.." "Sunpaw!" Leafpaw exclaimed. "If i was ever to be reborn.. i hope i could play with you again." He said, barely audible. "Sunpaw.."  Leafpaw said, tears streaming down her face, but it was too late.