DrewGreen's avatar
Ooh, I wasn't aware that there were going to be new modes released, neato!

I've only finished it once, with Stills. He's definitely my favorite character. Kim is kind of boring, I think.

My favorite boss fight...it's a toss up between Lucas Lee and Roxy Richter. Save for when I'm completely super-powered and leveled up, Lucas Lee's fight was one of the more challenging ones for me. And I like how straight-forward the fight against Roxy was. It was really a battle of skill, with few gimmicks. Plus, the little cat sitting in the upper half of the stage makes the cutest noise when you hit it.

And I agree, the glitches are an inconvenience, but the game is too much fun and full of charm for it to bother me that much. It's a shame that more properties don't get appropriate game conversions like Scott Pilgrim did.