GMYuna's avatar
I think it's happening more and more these days, where characters are sort of thrown out there and it's expected for the plot to carry the story.  Plot is only one part of the equation; if the characters aren't affected by the plot, it doesn't matter, and the entire thing feels ineffectual.  I think that's one of the reasons why people still subscribe to the idea that you throw your characters into the worst situation possible for them; it forces the characters to change.  

Of course (and completely beside your point, but now that I've started typing it, it's apparently determined to come out), these days, if character development happens, too often it's positive change, I think.  Negative change tends to either be ignored or have supervillain angst.  I think if I was writing the same piece today, I would probably capitalize on that; there are a lot of things that I've missed in this piece, and a lot of things that people have pointed out over the few years it's been on this site.

Thanks so much for your comment!
CastleUnderTheMoon's avatar
Thanks for replying to my comment. And I agree with you.

Honestly,  I was thinking about writing a fan fiction for the show, but I don't know if I should.  Should I?
GMYuna's avatar
I'm probably the wrong person to ask that question to, because if it comes to a question between writing and not writing, write.  Always.  I don't know about you, but I get crazy when I don't, so I have to assign myself little things to write about.  

That being said, if it's not a question of whether to write, but a question of what to write about, you might find it an interesting exercise.  I love giving characters more character development; it's something I do for fun because suddenly, a lot more comes out of the character than meets the eye.  I do think that if you do it though, you're going to need to know exactly what is happening in the fanfiction to know what to account for.  Don't be afraid to be flexible though; sometimes characters start changing in ways you don't expect.  Let them, and don't let your brain tell you not to do it; overthinking things is going to be your downfall.

In other words, if you do it, I suggest doing it in a way that changes what you didn't like about it to begin with and go from there.  Figure out a plot, stick the characters in there, and just let them play around for a while.  Then decide if you have enough to make a full fanfiction off of.  Sometimes characters just get too stilted to work with, unfortunately.
CastleUnderTheMoon's avatar
Thank you for the input and the suggestions.  Usually,  I am lazy when it comes to writing. I have a great idea, but then after procrastinating for awhile,  I lose interest in wanting to write,  especially when I lose ideas or get too busy to write.  Ill take your advice to heart when I start writing. 
GMYuna's avatar
Absolutely!  c:  I find that a lot of writers like to be dodgy or mysterious when it comes to their creative processes, so I am to be truthful, sometimes too much so.  xD  If you have any questions or more things that you'd like advice on, you know how to find me.  ;D