Lergahin's avatar
I don't remember the titles XD
I have the french edition and I'm not sure it was done by the same artist. (the first ones were ugly)
ElectronicRainbow's avatar
The first books of the German edition were quite ugly, too. :D This cover is actually the nicest.
Lergahin's avatar
Did Drizzt was tanned instead of being ebony like? Cause it was like that in the fist books XD
ElectronicRainbow's avatar
Yeah, he looked kind of tanned instead of being really dark back/blueish skinned as I imagined him. :/ I didn't like the early covers.
Lergahin's avatar
So it seems it was the same artworks! Yeah I didn't like it at all, I thought that the artist didn't read the book XD